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OHH Implants the Worlds Smallest, Minimally Invasive Cardiac Pacemaker


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 16, 2014 – On Sept 19, 2014, the Oklahoma Heart Hospital (OHH) performed its first implantation of the world’s smallest pacemaker: the Medtronic Micra™ Transcatheter Pacing System (TPS). The device was implanted as part of the global pivotal clinical trial.

One-tenth the size of a conventional pacemaker and comparable in size to a large vitamin, the Micra TPS pacemaker is delivered directly into the heart through a catheter inserted in the femoral vein.  Once positioned, the pacemaker is securely attached to the heart wall and can be repositioned or retrieved if needed. The miniature device does not require the use of wires, known as “leads,” to connect to the heart. Attached to the heart via small tines, the pacemaker delivers electrical impulses that pace the heart through an electrode at the end of the device.

“This miniaturized technology is designed to provide patients with the advanced pacing technology of traditional pacemakers via a minimally invasive approach,” said Jack Collier, M.D., an Electrophysiologist at OHH’s Heart Rhythm Institute, who implanted the Micra transcatheter pacemaker. “We are proud that OHH was selected among an elite group of institutions to take part in this clinical trial. If positive, the results of the trial could potentially benefit the more than one million people globally who receive pacemakers each year.”

In contrast to current pacemaker implant procedures, the Micra TPS implant does not require a surgical incision in the chest and the creation of a “pocket” under the skin. This eliminates a potential source of complications, and any visible sign of the device. The Medtronic Micra TPS is an investigational device worldwide.

About the Oklahoma Heart Hospital

Known for focusing on the patient and family experience, Oklahoma Heart Hospital (OHH) is consistently recognized as a national leader in patient satisfaction. In addition, OHH ranks in the top 1% in the nation in cardiac procedural volumes, and the top 6% in quality outcomes for cardiac surgery. As a physician owned hospital, OHH is better empowered to connect the practices of the organization to the needs of the patient.

Founded in 2002, expanded in 2010, Oklahoma Heart Hospital’s (Ok Heart) network is one of the largest cardiovascular programs in the United States, consisting of 2 hospitals, 70 cardiovascular specialists, and 60 clinics in rural and metro locations across the great state of Oklahoma.

About the Oklahoma Heart Hospital Research Foundation

A non-profit organization founded in 1993, the Oklahoma Heart Hospital Research Foundation (OHHRF) works to reduce mortality from heart disease and to improve the quality of life of those who suffer from this disease. To accomplish this end, the foundation participates in clinical research, educational programs for mid-level providers, philanthropy, and supports a free clinic based in Midwest City, Oklahoma. OHHRF is currently participating in over 80 clinical trials utilizing a longstanding integrated partnership with the Oklahoma Heart Hospital’s network of more than 70 cardiovascular specialists in more than 60 clinic locations across the state.

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