Serving the State,
Leading the Nation
Provider Directory
At Oklahoma Heart Hospital, we want to make finding a doctor as easy as possible. Our physician directory lets you search by physician name, location or specialty so you can find the right doctor for your needs. Select from among more than 80 cardiovascular specialists in the OHH Physicians group that serve Oklahoma in more than 60 locations across the state.
MyOHH is an excellent way to stay connected with your doctor. This secure, internet-based gateway gives you digital access to your health information, allows you to request and schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, check test results and maintain email contact with your physician or nurse. As a patient, you’re automatically granted access to MyOHH.
What to Expect on Your Visit
Now that you have an appointment with an OHH physician, learn more on how you can prepare for your upcoming visit.
Research Innovation
Through research comes innovation. Through innovation come new avenues of prevention and treatment. The Oklahoma Heart Hospital Research Foundation (OHHRF) helps reduce the impact and severity of heart disease through clinical research, continuing medical education and community service.
Clinic Directory
Among Oklahoma Heart Hospital’s family of clinics, there’s a clinic that is just right for you. This easy-to-use search tool allows you to locate OHH heart clinics by city and provider.